Underground hip hop indie rap artist Jair Dynast is record music producer of new rap music release CDs VIALENCE Hip Hop album. An underground hip hop indie artist gem. Jair solo debut emcee-producer writer-composer former student-athlete South Plains College More blogs about Jair Dynast
Jair Dynast - Amazing Hip Hop Producer and Songwriter: This is my First Blog

Jair Dynast - Amazing Hip Hop Producer and Songwriter

Jair speaks to "real life issues" in a thought-provoking manner. He writes social commentary in a lyrical and metaphorical way that can often be overshadowed by his very hard hitting, musical beats. He brings a unique style of rap music to his audience and tackles the issues of poverty and violence affecting inner city youth. Jair reaches music fans on their level giving them punch lines and grimy beats to grab their attention.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

This is my First Blog

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

This is my first...

one of these blog things but I figured I'd try my hand at it.

First off, it’s the Christmas season so MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and I hope you have a happy and prosperous New Year!!

Ain’t it crazy it’s just about to be 2005?

A lot has transpired in 2004 and it was a pretty dope year! I mean, I got some dope business minds backing me (eMultimediagroup), I just dropped my producer albumCurriculum Vitae” and the response has be tight. So I feel very blessed!!!

I just started recording my official solo debut album. Got the concept, the title of it n’ all that but it’s a secret, I’ll link that info later on. I’m bout four tracks deep and I think I got the first single already. This album is gonna be a true reflection of me as a producer and a lyricist so don’t expect to hear much from many other artist on this one. One thing I will say bout the album is I am trying to affect change so some people ain’t gonna like me much. 2005 is the year for Jair Dynast to be a shit disturber haha (in a good way trust me)!

Lastly, since I am doing this and hopefully a couple thousand people will read this I want to shed some light on something I think we all should be aware of. A friend of mine runs a magazine called “Freedom Time” and past me a copy a lil while back. In the magazine was an article about Cocoa Plantations on the Ivory Coast of Africa where they use children to harvest the Cocoa (the same cocoa we eat in our chocolate bars here in North America). I found this disturbing to say the least and did some research on the subject of Child Labor. I learned there are a number of different products we use or consume here in North America that are manufactured via Child Labor.

Now I’m the type of cat that don’t like to pay lip service to such issues. So of course, I dropped some lines on it in some verses or whatever but I said to myself, “that ain’t enough”. eMultimedia Group has this “Hip Hop Ambassadors” thing they are doin’ so I brought this to them and together we are donating $1.00 from every CD the label sells online this year to the National Consumers League to help fight against Child Labor around the world. Also at my shows we’re gonna collect donations where ever possible. So of course coppin’ my CD is gonna go to a good cause but either way just spread the word about this cuz knowledge is the first step to stopping bullshit like this from happening!! So write letters, write blogs, send emails, post on message boards, do whatever but just spread the word!!! Maybe we can make something happen to change this.

Peace and blessing y’all,
Jair Dynast
My Photo
Location: New York, United States

Freelance Writer for artist, Jair Dynast - eMultimedia Group, Inc. is a start-up indie label so multi-tasking is key for our very small staff. As its public information officer, I am involved in all aspects of branding its flagship artist, Jair Dynast. I work to maintain this blog of current information about this amazing artist/producer. As a freelance writer, I develop content for its websites and press materials. Over the next few months, expect to hear more about Jair Dynast Gold Street Gorilla team. We are implementing an ambitious sales incentive initiative that will benefit everyone that joins the eMultimedia Group-Jair Dynast Street Team.

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